Meerstemmige Bijeenkomst III
January 10 2024 – 16:00Kunsthuis De Bakker, Bergen
This is the third Meerstemmige Bijeenkomst (polyphonic gathering) within the Maas Lab. The questions we try to answer are:
How do we come together as the “new we”? How do we come together based on equality between people and more-than-humans (animals, plants, insects, a river, etc.)?
The Meerstemmige Bijeenkomst is a way to experiment and play with this. It is a way to be guided primarily by your curiosity and by what is happening. It is an invitation to an open-ended experiment, an exciting excursion through an inclusive “we”. The Maas Lab provides a framework, offers incentives and is there to provide care where necessary.
Registration is not required. If you have any questions, send us a message at We look forward to meeting you there!