TAAT is an arts collective that develops environmentally engaged installations for embodied encounters between human and other-than-humans. You can read about TAAT, browse the live archive or meet us in our live agora.
TAAT is an arts collective that develops environmentally engaged installations for embodied encounters between human and other-than-humans. You can read about TAAT, browse the live archive or meet us in our live agora. Also visit our instagram and facebook page.

On support structures

What does designing mean? Could it be an essay (to try) in developing support structures enhancing living entities to co-exist? The image was sent by a participant in Aberystwyth, Wales, three months after the Encounter Portal workshop took place. Have a look on the video of the workshop here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ViePe9AnIY.

Andrew Filmer, August 29 2023