TAAT is an arts collective that develops environmentally engaged installations for embodied encounters between human and other-than-humans. You can read about TAAT, browse the live archive or meet us in our live agora.
TAAT is an arts collective that develops environmentally engaged installations for embodied encounters between human and other-than-humans. You can read about TAAT, browse the live archive or meet us in our live agora. Also visit our instagram and facebook page.

all workshops

Becoming River

What if the river was our teacher? Can we connect with our watery self? Can we learn to move, act or be like a river?

Workshop by Gert-Jan Stam

Landscape Melting Pots

Can we unveil the biocultural potential of a landscape through collective herbariums and boiling pots? How can we ‘make’, with local plants?

Workshop by Anna Luz Pueyo

Tracing Gestures for Interdependence

How to use drawing as a way to question and train our ’gestures of making’?

Workshop by Breg Horemans

Weaving stories with landscapes

How is walking a form of embodying ‘ecotones’ (transitional zones between ecosystems)? How do we weave together the stories of individual and collective pathways?

Workshop by Goda Verikaitė