TAAT is an arts collective that develops environmentally engaged installations for embodied encounters between human and other-than-humans. You can read about TAAT, browse the live archive or meet us in our live agora.
TAAT is an arts collective that develops environmentally engaged installations for embodied encounters between human and other-than-humans. You can read about TAAT, browse the live archive or meet us in our live agora. Also visit our instagram and facebook page.

Goda Verikaitė

Goda Verikaitė is a Lithuanian spatial designer, currently based in The Hague. Her works stretch between architectural, regenerative, and speculative design practices.Besides working in an architecture studio, she is also developing her artistic practice by collaborating with the TAAT collective. Since 2016, she has been working with TAAT by exploring the polyphonic and regenerative design gestures and creating a series of spatial installations. In 2020, Goda also co-initiated Neo-futuristic Walks as a laboratory for walking and speculative storytelling.The project has travelled to multiple cities and has been presented in various design festivals. Goda has led workshops at the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design, Vilnius Tech University, and the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague.

Contact: goda@taat.live

The island's guard

After a silent walk on the island, we sat down on its ’tip’, where the river Neris splits in two. A point of tension in the landscape,...


2019 → archiveagora

Weaving stories with landscapes

How is walking a form of embodying ‘ecotones’ (transitional zones between ecosystems)? How do we weave together the stories of individual and collective pathways?

Workshop by Goda Verikaitė